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Worst Carpet Enemies

There are forces in the world that are out to steal your most treasured possessions from you, or better yet, damage them and leave to let the trauma persist.One moment your lounge looks picture perfect with the strategically placed furniture, lighting and the most important part of the décor: the plush rug!The next moment, for all you know, a child spits out chewing gum onto it or a guest accidently spills red wine over the carpet of your dreams!Without dwelling comfortably in your sorrows, a STAIN is a CALL TO ACTION.Take inspiration from Mom in Dexter’s Laboratory, snap on your yellow cleaning gloves, grab your cleaners and march to battle the worst carpet enemies!Here are a few enemies that damage carpets and some tips on how to clean them.


After the sign that says: WARNING, it is probably the B-word that is most useful yet most dangerous in households. Yes, it comes as no surprise that bleach stains are the worst to wash off because interestingly, even though they are used to remove stains, they can also leave behind unwanted spills that will stay for life. Unlike other stains, bleach does not leave gooey or sticky remains that need cleaning. It actually cuts down the original dye of the fibre and makes it discoloured.The best way to fix a bleach spillage is to dab a cloth on the stains as soon as possible to soak out as much bleach as you can and blot a mixture of baking soda and water onto it. This does not guarantee best results but might reduce the damage.

Red Wine

Adams Carpet Cleaning SydneyRed wine is the most popular way to leave behind memories (however unwanted) from a memorable party. There is nothing like tinkling glasses filled with a deep burgundy drink that fires up a party, and there surely isn’t anything like a wine stain on your carpet the day after the party either.The best way to deal with it is to dab a clean cloth onto it and pour generous amounts of club soda on top. Scrub it gently with a soft brush to work away the stain. If that does not work, two parts hydrogen peroxide and one-part dishwashing liquid can also be tried. If it still stays, it is better to consult professional cleaners.

Pet Stains

Adams Carpet Cleaning SydneyEven though pets are like family, we can still not disregard the fact that they are animals who take a while to understand our manic gesturing and blabbering and realise they have to urinate in their litter instead.While it is hard to train pets, it is even harder to remove pet stains. Avoid using any heating products onto the stain as it will only make it more permanent. Try dampening it and putting an enzymatic cleanser onto the stain. Let it sit for a long time before blotting out the remains with cloth or paper towels. It is challenging to clean pet stains but even more challenging to get rid of the odour. For best results, consult experts in the business.


A knife cut or a shard of glass piercing through skin is a common accident that occur at homes. The gash may not hurt as much as the stains on your beloved carpet. The best strategy to minimise damage is to mix one table spoon of dish washing liquid with cold water and dab the stain with it. Keep soaking out the stain with dry towel and repeating until the marks are gone. Alternately, if this does not work, hydrogen peroxide can be used instead for better results.Adam’s Carpet Cleaning is a family-run business operating in Sydney, Australia. We provide high-quality carpet and upholstery cleaning services using safe, toxic-free products, in Sydney and adjacent areas. Not only do we excel in steam cleaning but also offer pet stain removal and Pest Control Services Sydney. To test our services, contact us now.


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